I was happy to see your discussion of the coup against Mossadegh (I don't know how to spell his name) in Iran and your denunciation of various intrigues, maneuvors and conspiracies we have been involved in.
I would however enrich youir thesis by identifying a common denominator to many of our geopolitical mistakes. WE MISTAKENLY BELIEVE THAT THE ENEMY OF MY ENEMY IS ALWAYS MY FRIEND. This constantly plays itself out: We supported the Mujahadeen and Osama Ben Ladin in Afghanistan when he was fightting the Soviets (Reagan sold him shoulder fired missiles whch brought down soviet aircraft and turned the tide of battle) and Osama, exhilerated at winning agains the USSR, thought he would really show his macho by attacking the people who aided him against the Soviets: US.
Of course what we did re Afghanistan was very similar to what the conservattives in Britain did in the 30's (America is largely a successor to Great Britain in world affairs; America, in a sense, is one great new england. Even our prejudices are inherited from the English, our hostility to Russia can be traced back to Elizabeth the First and her tussles with Tzar Ivan the Terrible) In the 30's, the Britsh reasoned: The Russians are our enemy. The Germans hate the Russians, Ergo, let's be good to Hitler and England let Hitler have a lot more than the Sudetenldand, including the Saarland, Bohemia-Moravia, Bratislava which become Pressburg, Austia, a major city in the Polish corridor whose name escapes me and more.
Similarly, in the 80's, America gave a lot of Aid to Sadaam Hussein because Sadaam Hussein was fighting Iran. And then, shortly after the Iraqi-Iranian war was over, and Saddam invaded Kuwait, the public relations apparatus of the Pentagon, which has made the media, for all its squalking, at heart a neutered mouse, told the American people that Sadaam was the second coming of Adolf Hitler.
Some people tried to address these problems. One of them was JFK. He might have been a cynical SOB at commencement of his administratoin, but upon Rereading Halberstam's "The Best and the Brightest," I believe that JFK wanted to quit Vietnam and reform so much of what was vile in our political life. And I believe the Oliver Stone thesis. If only 10 percent of the allegations in Stone's film, "JFK," are true, Kennedy was assasinated because of the good he tried to do.
And so if we want to elect a good president, we have to destroy the cabal of bastards who took this nation away from its people and its most cherished principles.
I agree with most of your points
I was happy to see your discussion of the coup against Mossadegh (I don't know how to spell his name) in Iran and your denunciation of various intrigues, maneuvors and conspiracies we have been involved in.
I would however enrich youir thesis by identifying a common denominator to many of our geopolitical mistakes. WE MISTAKENLY BELIEVE THAT THE ENEMY OF MY ENEMY IS ALWAYS MY FRIEND. This constantly plays itself out: We supported the Mujahadeen and Osama Ben Ladin in Afghanistan when he was fightting the Soviets (Reagan sold him shoulder fired missiles whch brought down soviet aircraft and turned the tide of battle) and Osama, exhilerated at winning agains the USSR, thought he would really show his macho by attacking the people who aided him against the Soviets: US.
Of course what we did re Afghanistan was very similar to what the conservattives in Britain did in the 30's (America is largely a successor to Great Britain in world affairs; America, in a sense, is one great new england. Even our prejudices are inherited from the English, our hostility to Russia can be traced back to Elizabeth the First and her tussles with Tzar Ivan the Terrible) In the 30's, the Britsh reasoned: The Russians are our enemy. The Germans hate the Russians, Ergo, let's be good to Hitler and England let Hitler have a lot more than the Sudetenldand, including the Saarland, Bohemia-Moravia, Bratislava which become Pressburg, Austia, a major city in the Polish corridor whose name escapes me and more.
Similarly, in the 80's, America gave a lot of Aid to Sadaam Hussein because Sadaam Hussein was fighting Iran. And then, shortly after the Iraqi-Iranian war was over, and Saddam invaded Kuwait, the public relations apparatus of the Pentagon, which has made the media, for all its squalking, at heart a neutered mouse, told the American people that Sadaam was the second coming of Adolf Hitler.
Some people tried to address these problems. One of them was JFK. He might have been a cynical SOB at commencement of his administratoin, but upon Rereading Halberstam's "The Best and the Brightest," I believe that JFK wanted to quit Vietnam and reform so much of what was vile in our political life. And I believe the Oliver Stone thesis. If only 10 percent of the allegations in Stone's film, "JFK," are true, Kennedy was assasinated because of the good he tried to do.
And so if we want to elect a good president, we have to destroy the cabal of bastards who took this nation away from its people and its most cherished principles.