This is a bit random but sort of fits. I've been diagnosed with Parkinson's which is taking its toll on my motor skills, one goal I've set myself is to learn to play the Bo Diddley beat on guitar. Now as I don't really play guitar this may be an insane thing but my logic was that if i have an open tuning I only have to get the strum pattern right. But it turns out that's a lot harder than i thought - especially as my PD makes it very very hard to strum slowly. So i've been putting out calls on insta and LinkedIn and SS for any guitarist who might have an interest in helping me with this project...might you??

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I'm happy to give it a go Nick. Although, admittedly, I don't know the beat/pattern. I'll look into it.

Sorry about the diagnosis. I recently called a former guitar player who used to perform with me. He had stopped playing due to carpel tunnel, which a couple surgeries did not remedy. When we talked, he told me he had been diagnoses with Parkinson's.

I need to get together with him. He had a significant influence on how I approached music and running a band. I'll check out what you are writing as well. Shoot me a message with your email at the link below and we can take the guitar conversation offline.


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I loved the books “Focus” by Daniel Goleman and “Atomic Habits” by James Clear. Very helpful! Thank you for your personal insight.

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Thanks for commenting. I'll have to look at Focus.

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Here's to a more optimal physical and professional / professional adjacent 2023!

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