Nov 17, 2023·edited Nov 17, 2023Liked by Matthew Moran

The is a really sweet, endearing warm piece. And I haven't even savored the photos yet.

I have recently had a fantasy. WHAT IF WE COULD HAVE A NEW FORM OF LIFE: A creature with the intelligence of Man and the warmth of A Dog.

Dogs are sweeter than people: For example, why does a dog bark when you leave him alone in an apt. and close the door. Someone said it is an expression of his feeling of rejection.

Imagine a creature with man's intelligence and a dog's capacity for affection.

When I was a child, my Mother's shrink advised her to get a dog. I think he oppined that it would make us warmer and thwart the development of misanthopic tendencies. We got turtles and salamanders instead.

I have to say that your experience, indeed the entire way you live, is very different, actually alien, to mine. For example, you say that when you met Beau, he licked Debbie's face. In our family we would be TERRIFIED of disease.

I don't want to sound too crazy, but the second stanza of this poem (I wrote this years ago) contemplates marrying a dog:




I want to marry a slice of cake

The sugared frosting yields the sweetest kiss

The fluffy texture the softest caress

The simplest form of connubial bliss


I want to marry a barking dog

Who pants in earnest with passion pure

Whose loving limbs run to me

Of his love I am so sure


I want to marry a ravishing rose

Her rapturous aromas beckon me

Make a human’s pheromone’s

An ugly, sweaty entity


I want to marry a common orange

Shapelier than any woman’s hips

Whose sectored, splendored succulence

Offers unceasing, tingling fillips


I want to marry the shining sea

Whose crashing waters drown all foes

Whose pledges last an eternity

Which reflects my rage with hard bellows

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Trying to hold back tears right now. Mathew!! You are an amazing writer sir! Thank you!!

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Thank you. I appreciate the kind words.

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I know where you are coming from. We have said goodbye to a few dogs over the years. All from old age happily, but still sad. Our last dog is now getting old, losing her sight and hearing and while she occasionally forgets she is no longer a pup, sometimes her hind legs don't sync when she is jumping up stairs. She is around 14 happy years old. They are an important member of the family. My kids haven't know life without dogs. The memories last :)

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Aug 1, 2023Liked by Matthew Moran

What a wonderful dog and what a loving tribute! My phone is supposed to stay dry, but you almost ruined it 😒. May the pain of his absence be assuaged by your indelible memories.

In sympathy,


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Thanks Jorge. Hope we can connect soon. Life has conspired to make getting together challenging of late.

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You made me cry - you and your damn dog story. I feel for you all - they are the best of friends and a terrible loss when they go. Loved the story of how he came to you - couldn't bear to read how he left you as i was already crying my eyes out.

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I guess it is a sort of grim success to make someone feel enough to shed a tear when you write. *Fist pump*

Thanks for the comment... you big baby! ;-)

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This piece is excellent, poignant, sensitive, compassionate, and endearing.

Sometimes I think that people who are not able to express love for other people direct their mangled affections onto animals. But that is not your problem at all; you are able to express emotion

Dogs elicit more love and feelings among people than any other animal. For example, I am often an ornery son of a birch, but a dog can make me melt into maudlin mushiness.

I once Fantasized about a new kind of being: A BEING WITH THE INTELLECT OF A HUMAN AND THE ENDURING EPIC LOYALTY OF A DOG. That would be a gallant and glorious creature.

OF course, not all humans feel the same way. In.china, they.eat dogs.

Some anthropologists have said that ancient Hebrews loved pigs the way we love dogs. They note that a pigs face resembles a humans face and surmise that to the ancient Israelites eating pork almost resembled cannibalism. Israel has many, many porcine bones, suggestive of a strong bond between pigs and the ancient hebrews

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Aug 1, 2023Liked by Matthew Moran

Beaux ❤️💔. You did right by him, from the moment you met him, and then all the way to the writing of this beautiful essay,

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Thanks Sheri. As I stated, it seems insufficient and I felt I was straddling the line between how to do Beaux justice and how to NOT bore the hell out of the reader. But I appreciate your comments, particularly, writer to writer.

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Aug 1, 2023Liked by Matthew Moran

It sure does. I'm sorry for your loss, Matt. Beautiful story.

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Thanks L. Second initial obscured. ;-) We've probably been chatting for nearly as long as I've had Beaux, so you were along for much of this journey.

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Sorry, the stanza on marrying a dog -- and everyrthing after the first stanza -- didn't up load

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